1 00:00:00,000 --> 00:00:04,000 [Sarah Haider: Islam and the Necessity of Liberal Critique] 2 00:00:04,020 --> 00:00:07,262 (Moderator) Hi everybody and welcome to this next presentation entitled 3 00:00:07,262 --> 00:00:10,437 "Islam and the Necessity of Liberal Critique". 4 00:00:10,729 --> 00:00:15,406 I'd like to welcome Sarah Haider, who is one of the co-founders 5 00:00:15,406 --> 00:00:18,007 of the Ex Muslims of North America group. 6 00:00:18,007 --> 00:00:20,034 So, please join me in welcoming Sarah. 7 00:00:20,044 --> 00:00:26,434 (Applause) 8 00:00:29,304 --> 00:00:30,304 (Sarah Haider) Hi Everyone, 9 00:00:30,304 --> 00:00:32,414 (Audience member) Hello 10 00:00:32,414 --> 00:00:37,672 I'm Sarah, and for the last two years I have worked to build an organization 11 00:00:37,672 --> 00:00:39,911 for non-theist ex-Muslims, 12 00:00:40,263 --> 00:00:43,706 those who once identified themselves with Islam. 13 00:00:43,706 --> 00:00:47,486 and now call themselves atheists, agnostics or deists; 14 00:00:48,138 --> 00:00:50,702 and the organization is called Ex-Muslims of North America. 15 00:00:50,702 --> 00:00:54,666 We are a relatively new organization, but we are growing quickly 16 00:00:54,666 --> 00:00:57,111 and we now have communities of ex-Muslims 17 00:00:57,111 --> 00:00:59,271 in over fifteen cities. 18 00:00:59,621 --> 00:01:03,689 As you can imagine, it is notoriously difficult for ex-Muslims 19 00:01:03,689 --> 00:01:07,819 to find others like ourselves. Trying to build friendships among people 20 00:01:07,830 --> 00:01:12,618 who are often under siege and deep in the closet is incredibly difficult. 21 00:01:13,322 --> 00:01:16,759 In the first place, how do you even find people who are often deliberately 22 00:01:16,759 --> 00:01:18,683 doing their best to stay undercover? 23 00:01:19,322 --> 00:01:23,344 As an organization we work to provide ex-Muslims with much needed support, 24 00:01:23,355 --> 00:01:25,996 support to free themselves from the shackles of religion 25 00:01:25,996 --> 00:01:28,897 and to be themselves, to learn about each other's suffering, 26 00:01:28,897 --> 00:01:30,858 and above all else, endure. 27 00:01:32,599 --> 00:01:35,894 We are in a peculiar situation, my colleagues and I, 28 00:01:36,221 --> 00:01:39,785 we are intimately connected with more godless ex-Muslims 29 00:01:39,785 --> 00:01:41,850 than likely anyone else in the world. 30 00:01:42,341 --> 00:01:45,818 I have heard thousands of stories from hundreds of people, 31 00:01:45,818 --> 00:01:48,418 about their experiences with Islam. 32 00:01:48,814 --> 00:01:52,464 Some lucky few were able to leave the faith with little consequence, 33 00:01:52,464 --> 00:01:56,543 the relationships with their families and friends and communities 34 00:01:56,543 --> 00:01:57,740 remained intact. 35 00:01:58,113 --> 00:02:00,388 But for most, this was not the case. 36 00:02:01,104 --> 00:02:03,208 Our journeys have seen tremendous struggles. 37 00:02:03,208 --> 00:02:08,544 For some the cost was only social, loss of friends and families. 38 00:02:08,544 --> 00:02:12,065 For others, they risked their health and mental well-being 39 00:02:12,075 --> 00:02:16,620 from being locked into psychiatric wards to enduring physical violence 40 00:02:16,620 --> 00:02:18,200 from all family members. 41 00:02:18,809 --> 00:02:22,088 Ex-Muslims, arguably more than any other group, 42 00:02:22,088 --> 00:02:25,698 are deeply familiar with the problems entrenched within Muslim communities 43 00:02:25,698 --> 00:02:28,084 and inherent within Islamic scriptures. 44 00:02:28,732 --> 00:02:32,407 As most of us happen to be both people of color 45 00:02:32,407 --> 00:02:34,984 and first- or second- generation immigrants, 46 00:02:34,984 --> 00:02:36,593 we are doubly affected, 47 00:02:36,593 --> 00:02:39,439 both by hatred and violence from Muslims, 48 00:02:39,439 --> 00:02:43,435 but also bigotry and xenophobia from the broader American public. 49 00:02:44,639 --> 00:02:47,989 Despite all this, my experience over the last two years 50 00:02:47,989 --> 00:02:52,412 has made me wary of speaking up, even to an audience such as this. 51 00:02:53,313 --> 00:02:56,783 I always expected feeling unwelcome from Muslim audiences, 52 00:02:56,783 --> 00:03:00,177 but I did not anticipate an equal amount of hostility 53 00:03:00,177 --> 00:03:01,835 from my allies on the Left. 54 00:03:02,927 --> 00:03:05,231 For example, when I first published a piece, 55 00:03:05,231 --> 00:03:09,411 fact-checking Reza Aslan, who is a prominent Muslim scholar, 56 00:03:09,677 --> 00:03:12,236 on his dismissal of female genital mutilation 57 00:03:12,236 --> 00:03:15,820 as only an African problem, not a Muslim one, 58 00:03:16,089 --> 00:03:19,123 I got many responses from people unhappy with what I wrote, 59 00:03:19,758 --> 00:03:22,443 almost all of whom questioned my motives 60 00:03:22,443 --> 00:03:24,576 rather than addressing my claims. 61 00:03:24,576 --> 00:03:27,953 To my surprise, most of my critics were not Muslims. 62 00:03:28,323 --> 00:03:31,655 Rather they identified as liberals and sometimes even atheists. 63 00:03:31,655 --> 00:03:38,307 Some darkly alluded to my "agenda" and others claimed that as a former Muslim, 64 00:03:38,628 --> 00:03:42,008 there was no way I could be trusted with fair criticism. 65 00:03:42,620 --> 00:03:44,864 Now remember, I published a fact-check. 66 00:03:45,205 --> 00:03:48,633 It seems to me that it would be easy to verify my claims, 67 00:03:48,633 --> 00:03:51,386 fact-check the fact-check, so to speak. 68 00:03:52,149 --> 00:03:56,115 But instead, Muslims and some people on the Left preferred instead 69 00:03:56,115 --> 00:04:00,218 to throw around suspicions about my character and my intentions. 70 00:04:01,024 --> 00:04:03,350 Those who oppose Christian authoritarianism 71 00:04:03,350 --> 00:04:07,732 will find that the broad majority of liberals, religious or non-religious, 72 00:04:07,917 --> 00:04:10,061 side with them and will ofter their support 73 00:04:10,061 --> 00:04:13,687 in the fight to push religious morals out of our politics and public life. 74 00:04:14,344 --> 00:04:17,033 Even religious liberals sometimes look upon 75 00:04:17,033 --> 00:04:20,150 the politically-charged religious right with distaste 76 00:04:20,150 --> 00:04:24,167 and some work with secularists to keep them out of our politics. 77 00:04:24,470 --> 00:04:25,508 The executive director for 78 00:04:25,508 --> 00:04:27,683 the Americans United for {Separation of} Church and State, for example, 79 00:04:27,683 --> 00:04:28,875 is an ordained minister. 80 00:04:30,006 --> 00:04:33,432 Atheists and secularists can feel secure in the knowledge 81 00:04:33,432 --> 00:04:35,770 that their allies on the liberal Left will stand with them 82 00:04:35,770 --> 00:04:39,060 when their target is the far-right Christians. 83 00:04:39,548 --> 00:04:42,958 It makes sense: liberals don't share much, many common values 84 00:04:42,958 --> 00:04:44,490 with the religious right. 85 00:04:44,490 --> 00:04:46,753 But when the same scrutiny is applied to Islam, 86 00:04:46,753 --> 00:04:52,066 you find that inexplicably some people on the Left begin to align instead 87 00:04:52,066 --> 00:04:54,338 with the Islamic religious right. 88 00:04:54,923 --> 00:04:58,452 The consistent exception has been the secular and atheist communities. 89 00:04:59,814 --> 00:05:05,624 When luminaries of disbelief movement like Harris and Dawkins speak about 90 00:05:05,624 --> 00:05:10,736 the horrors of Christianity and write books condemning it, they are cheered, 91 00:05:10,736 --> 00:05:14,629 their works lionized, their presence sought at events and conferences. 92 00:05:15,017 --> 00:05:17,153 But when they turn the same critical gaze 93 00:05:17,153 --> 00:05:18,913 towards the religion of my family, 94 00:05:18,913 --> 00:05:21,034 they are told to cease such offensive talk, 95 00:05:21,034 --> 00:05:24,968 to refrain from criticizing the same oppressive forces 96 00:05:24,968 --> 00:05:26,384 that they criticized in the past. 97 00:05:27,301 --> 00:05:29,563 There is an instinct to pigeon-hole anyone 98 00:05:29,563 --> 00:05:32,850 who says something negative about Islam, to broadly label them 99 00:05:32,850 --> 00:05:34,586 in such a way that nearly guarantees 100 00:05:34,586 --> 00:05:37,375 that most on the Left will ignore what they have to say. 101 00:05:38,060 --> 00:05:42,222 The first method, I found, of people dismissing my claims, has been that 102 00:05:42,222 --> 00:05:45,455 since as a brown person I can't easily be painted as a bigot, 103 00:05:45,455 --> 00:05:48,149 is that I must be pro-war 104 00:05:48,149 --> 00:05:51,503 or broadly support the far-right agenda in some way. 105 00:05:51,785 --> 00:05:53,393 This is not true. 106 00:05:53,710 --> 00:05:58,145 Sometimes I am called an Uncle Tom or a house Arab. 107 00:05:59,177 --> 00:06:00,935 Another term thrown around at ex-Muslims 108 00:06:00,935 --> 00:06:03,442 and other brown critics of Islam 109 00:06:03,442 --> 00:06:05,766 is "native informants". 110 00:06:05,766 --> 00:06:07,472 This was my first time hearing this. 111 00:06:07,850 --> 00:06:11,552 I won't go into the many reasons why this is an impressively disgusting thing 112 00:06:11,552 --> 00:06:14,784 to call someone, with the vague implication 113 00:06:14,784 --> 00:06:18,307 that we are brainwashed in some way, or are betraying our own kind. 114 00:06:19,412 --> 00:06:23,034 While it is somewhat understandable, why someone like Myriam Francois, 115 00:06:23,034 --> 00:06:28,222 who is a white convert to Islam, why she would refer to us as native informants, 116 00:06:28,222 --> 00:06:32,688 it is beyond my comprehension how such a transparently racist term 117 00:06:32,688 --> 00:06:34,706 was used by the journalist Max Blumenthal 118 00:06:34,706 --> 00:06:37,247 in his article condemning Ayaan Hirsi Ali 119 00:06:37,247 --> 00:06:40,272 to cast a shadow over her role in this debate. 120 00:06:40,827 --> 00:06:42,686 I wonder if Blumenthal would feel comfortable 121 00:06:42,686 --> 00:06:46,259 using similarly racist terms against anti-clerical dissidents 122 00:06:46,259 --> 00:06:49,164 from African-American or other minority communities. 123 00:06:50,034 --> 00:06:52,196 Bill Maher is someone who has been painted 124 00:06:52,196 --> 00:06:54,292 by the Left and the Right as a bigot. 125 00:06:55,040 --> 00:06:58,034 Once on his show though, Maher mentioned the high rates of support 126 00:06:58,034 --> 00:07:01,048 for the death penalty for the crime of atheism in Muslim communities. 127 00:07:01,646 --> 00:07:04,156 In response, Dean Obeidallah, 128 00:07:04,156 --> 00:07:07,276 who is a comedian and author and liberal Muslim, 129 00:07:07,746 --> 00:07:12,162 attempted to defend the Muslim countries by pointing out errors 130 00:07:12,162 --> 00:07:13,878 in the statistics Maher used. 131 00:07:14,482 --> 00:07:16,427 Let me quote his piece on CNN. 132 00:07:17,210 --> 00:07:21,015 He says - "a 2013 Pew poll actually found 133 00:07:21,015 --> 00:07:25,064 that only 64% of Egyptians supported this" 134 00:07:25,064 --> 00:07:30,890 - by this he means the death penalty - "still alarmingly high, but not 90%" 135 00:07:30,890 --> 00:07:36,992 and only thirteen Muslim nations have penalties for apostasy, while 34 do not". 136 00:07:38,551 --> 00:07:41,761 Can we realistically imagine something like that being published 137 00:07:41,761 --> 00:07:48,195 if it was about any other minority, in an honest effort to downplay the horror? 138 00:07:48,952 --> 00:07:51,719 What if it was "only 64% of Americans 139 00:07:51,719 --> 00:07:54,330 support the death penalty for converts to Islam" 140 00:07:54,693 --> 00:07:56,592 - Muslims don't have it that bad - 141 00:07:56,855 --> 00:08:01,387 "only 64% of French citizens support the death penalty for Algerian immigrants" 142 00:08:01,716 --> 00:08:05,691 or "only 64% of Americans support the death penalty for homosexuality"? 143 00:08:06,748 --> 00:08:11,020 How bad is the situation, how terrible the human rights abuses 144 00:08:11,020 --> 00:08:14,337 and how little the worth of the life of a human being, 145 00:08:14,337 --> 00:08:19,173 when 64% is viewed as a defensive statistic? 146 00:08:20,645 --> 00:08:23,175 It is a situation as if fully one-third of western nations 147 00:08:23,175 --> 00:08:26,084 had legalized the murder of Muslims, how appalled would we be? 148 00:08:26,506 --> 00:08:28,785 What would the Left's reaction be? 149 00:08:29,480 --> 00:08:33,178 As an ex-Muslim I am horrified that something like this would be published 150 00:08:33,178 --> 00:08:35,392 on the web-site of a major news organization 151 00:08:35,392 --> 00:08:38,222 and not a single voice was raised in outrage. 152 00:08:38,592 --> 00:08:40,726 Why is my life worth less? 153 00:08:41,047 --> 00:08:44,017 Does my simply being raised in an Islamic tradition 154 00:08:44,017 --> 00:08:48,957 grant the Islamic religious right overt ownership over me and my body, 155 00:08:48,957 --> 00:08:52,426 grant them license to murder me and my fellow atheists? 156 00:08:53,096 --> 00:08:57,208 The claim actually being made by citing this statistic was that Maher 157 00:08:57,208 --> 00:09:02,314 was supposedly making too much of a fuss of atheist persecution by Muslims. 158 00:09:04,044 --> 00:09:07,412 Now I do not wish to denigrate the author, Dean Obeidallah, 159 00:09:07,412 --> 00:09:10,164 but to illustrate the depth of the problem, 160 00:09:10,164 --> 00:09:13,296 that in trying to defend what he perceived to be an injustice to Muslims, 161 00:09:13,296 --> 00:09:16,072 he did not even notice the depravity of what he wrote. 162 00:09:17,510 --> 00:09:21,483 As a consequence an audience on the Left now frightens me 163 00:09:21,483 --> 00:09:24,514 nearly as much as an audience of Islamists does. 164 00:09:25,082 --> 00:09:28,634 I have had to think long and hard about whether I want to give this talk today, 165 00:09:28,634 --> 00:09:31,704 to what extent I should mince my words, 166 00:09:31,704 --> 00:09:34,058 and what consequence it would have on my work. 167 00:09:34,598 --> 00:09:37,894 It's not my intention to cause offense but I firmly believe 168 00:09:37,894 --> 00:09:40,759 that there are things that need to be said, elephants in the room 169 00:09:40,759 --> 00:09:45,192 that no one but some bigots on the far right are willing to acknowledge. 170 00:09:45,741 --> 00:09:48,250 We are all, I hope, familiar with what happened 171 00:09:48,250 --> 00:09:50,768 on January 7th at the offices of Charlie Hebdo. 172 00:09:51,553 --> 00:09:55,045 Masked gunmen killed twelve people, shouting Allahu Akbar!, 173 00:09:55,045 --> 00:09:59,533 later revealed to be two brothers, French nationals of Algerian origin. 174 00:09:59,988 --> 00:10:05,047 There was global outrage and a large show of solidarity for the cartoonists, 175 00:10:05,047 --> 00:10:08,080 which appeared to be the obviously righteous things to do. 176 00:10:08,080 --> 00:10:10,268 Until of course the religious began to speak up 177 00:10:10,268 --> 00:10:14,180 with claims of "provocation" and hurt feelings. 178 00:10:15,055 --> 00:10:17,947 But that was to be expected, Islamists have been saying that for years, 179 00:10:17,947 --> 00:10:21,425 and indeed, no religion really accepts any form of ridicule 180 00:10:23,494 --> 00:10:25,990 - if they have a choice in the matter, that is say. 181 00:10:25,990 --> 00:10:28,068 However, what was more distressing to me, 182 00:10:28,068 --> 00:10:31,001 was the response from many of my allies on the Left. 183 00:10:31,001 --> 00:10:33,800 Over and over I heard the claim that Charlie Hebdo was somehow 184 00:10:33,800 --> 00:10:38,046 a racist publication, and while, of course, of course, 185 00:10:38,046 --> 00:10:40,504 murder is always wrong and should be condemned, 186 00:10:40,504 --> 00:10:42,874 it is nonetheless "understandable" 187 00:10:42,874 --> 00:10:45,276 that the gunmen would feel provoked by the cartoons. 188 00:10:46,095 --> 00:10:48,624 Now, I don't know about you, but I don't want to meet the man 189 00:10:48,624 --> 00:10:52,178 who "understands" why someone would feel compelled to murder another man 190 00:10:52,178 --> 00:11:02,396 because he didn't like a cartoon that he drew. (applause). 191 00:11:02,396 --> 00:11:05,975 It's important to realize that mocking and critique are not that different 192 00:11:05,975 --> 00:11:08,585 in the eyes of the most religious people. 193 00:11:08,821 --> 00:11:12,501 There is no fair amount of fair and friendly criticism 194 00:11:12,501 --> 00:11:16,097 that the very religious will accept if they have the power to shut it down, 195 00:11:16,097 --> 00:11:19,582 as evidenced by the prohibition on heretical speech 196 00:11:19,582 --> 00:11:21,662 in theocratic states throughout history. 197 00:11:22,276 --> 00:11:25,184 There is a curious double-standard at play. 198 00:11:25,574 --> 00:11:29,585 When Muslim clerics and activists that are known to be 199 00:11:29,585 --> 00:11:33,465 anti-Semites and homophobes are welcomed on campuses, 200 00:11:33,465 --> 00:11:38,606 touring nationally, invited to give lectures by Muslim student associations, 201 00:11:38,606 --> 00:11:42,148 while feminists like Asra Nomani, who has been fighting 202 00:11:42,148 --> 00:11:45,177 for the equality of the sexes, for the right of female entry 203 00:11:45,177 --> 00:11:47,731 to the priestly class, is branded as a bigot 204 00:11:47,731 --> 00:11:50,112 by the same Muslim student organizations 205 00:11:50,112 --> 00:11:52,655 and the authorities at universities like Duke 206 00:11:52,655 --> 00:11:55,092 succumb to this brazen attempt to silence her. 207 00:11:55,747 --> 00:11:58,438 Similar patterns are repeated across the Western world. 208 00:11:59,228 --> 00:12:01,919 Maryam Namazie, who is an ex-Muslim activist, 209 00:12:01,919 --> 00:12:06,510 was dis-invited to speak at Trinity, Ayaan Hirsi Ali at Brandeis. 210 00:12:06,510 --> 00:12:09,986 The British Students Union now allies itself broadly 211 00:12:09,986 --> 00:12:13,254 with Islamist organizations such as CAGE. 212 00:12:14,114 --> 00:12:16,952 To quote Nick Cohen from his article from the Guardian, 213 00:12:17,632 --> 00:12:20,956 "University managers are no better than their teenage heresy hunters. 214 00:12:21,378 --> 00:12:24,695 They say they want to oppose radical Islam in argument. 215 00:12:25,207 --> 00:12:28,385 The Lawyers' Secular Society took them at their word. 216 00:12:28,739 --> 00:12:32,764 It tried to present an investigation at the University of West London 217 00:12:32,764 --> 00:12:36,028 into Islamist groups that were all over campuses, 218 00:12:36,028 --> 00:12:40,731 despite their record of advocating Jew hatred, homophobia and misogyny. 219 00:12:41,114 --> 00:12:44,863 The university authorities banned the secularists." 220 00:12:46,069 --> 00:12:49,038 Let me be clear. I don't think anyone, 221 00:12:49,038 --> 00:12:52,325 even bigots emerging from Muslim communities or anywhere else, 222 00:12:52,325 --> 00:12:53,511 should be silenced. 223 00:12:53,511 --> 00:12:57,205 What I ask is that we stand up for the right to speak of all, 224 00:12:57,205 --> 00:12:59,981 including those both those who stand with us 225 00:12:59,981 --> 00:13:02,645 and those who call for the death of our fellow dis-believers. 226 00:13:03,584 --> 00:13:07,097 Our society functions because we believe that hurt feelings 227 00:13:07,097 --> 00:13:10,354 mean essentially nothing in the eyes of our justice system. 228 00:13:10,354 --> 00:13:14,067 But of course it is claimed that this is a special case, 229 00:13:14,067 --> 00:13:16,679 because these aren't just personal hurt feelings, 230 00:13:16,679 --> 00:13:20,231 these are religious hurt feelings, and not just any religion, 231 00:13:20,231 --> 00:13:23,367 but the religion of the underdog, of the brown man. 232 00:13:24,067 --> 00:13:26,591 And the Left decided long ago that the hurt feelings 233 00:13:26,591 --> 00:13:30,114 of the Christian religion mattered little, and it was imperative 234 00:13:30,114 --> 00:13:32,529 that we disabuse the notion that Christianity 235 00:13:32,529 --> 00:13:35,569 would ever feel safe from criticism or even outright mockery. 236 00:13:35,894 --> 00:13:40,201 Indeed many of our greatest thinkers have delighted in exercising this right. 237 00:13:40,889 --> 00:13:46,170 I want to quote Thomas Paine, from his book, The Age of Reason: 238 00:13:47,217 --> 00:13:50,371 "Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, 239 00:13:50,371 --> 00:13:54,871 the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, 240 00:13:54,871 --> 00:13:57,025 with which more than half the Bible is filled, 241 00:13:57,025 --> 00:13:59,878 it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, 242 00:13:59,878 --> 00:14:01,308 than the word of God. 243 00:14:01,308 --> 00:14:05,795 It is a history of wickedness, that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind; 244 00:14:05,795 --> 00:14:11,210 and, for my part, I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel" 245 00:14:12,775 --> 00:14:17,338 I wonder if Paine had been murdered for his outright contempt of Christianity, 246 00:14:17,338 --> 00:14:20,386 how different would the West look today? 247 00:14:21,006 --> 00:14:24,135 what message such a gruesome deed would have sent? 248 00:14:24,135 --> 00:14:26,420 how many people would it have silenced 249 00:14:26,420 --> 00:14:28,412 with its promise of more bloodshed to come 250 00:14:28,412 --> 00:14:31,289 if they had the audacity to repeat his crime? 251 00:14:32,277 --> 00:14:37,144 Would that fear have silenced those who insisted on the freedom of speech? 252 00:14:37,618 --> 00:14:40,492 How would that have affected the face of our nation? 253 00:14:40,492 --> 00:14:44,279 Now I hope that you will reflect with me, on the fact that 254 00:14:44,279 --> 00:14:46,447 not only was he not murdered, 255 00:14:46,447 --> 00:14:49,470 neither were his contemporaries who mocked religion, 256 00:14:49,470 --> 00:14:54,281 also even then three centuries ago, I don't believe he contemplated the idea 257 00:14:54,281 --> 00:14:56,441 that writing would actually lead to his death. 258 00:14:56,935 --> 00:14:59,046 And yet, in the twenty-first century, 259 00:14:59,046 --> 00:15:02,566 this is the reality of those who speak out against Islam in Muslim countries 260 00:15:02,566 --> 00:15:04,703 and increasingly in Western ones. 261 00:15:05,962 --> 00:15:09,228 It is not uncommon to hear from commentators in various media outlets 262 00:15:09,228 --> 00:15:12,746 that the victims of Charlie Hebdo had somehow provoked others 263 00:15:12,746 --> 00:15:16,117 with their offensive cartoons into taking their lives. 264 00:15:16,689 --> 00:15:22,051 The sentiment seems to be that the cartoonists must to some degree 265 00:15:22,051 --> 00:15:24,681 be held accountable for their own murders, 266 00:15:24,681 --> 00:15:28,007 even as dozens of cartoonists from the East drew panels 267 00:15:28,007 --> 00:15:30,717 in support of their counterparts in the West, 268 00:15:30,717 --> 00:15:32,966 risking their own lives for freedom of speech. 269 00:15:35,095 --> 00:15:38,458 Two months ago, PEN, an organization that has stood for free speech 270 00:15:38,458 --> 00:15:42,620 for nearly a century, announced their decision to honor 271 00:15:42,620 --> 00:15:44,066 the magazine Charlie Hebdo 272 00:15:44,066 --> 00:15:46,449 with the PEN Freedom of Expression Courage Award. 273 00:15:46,908 --> 00:15:49,980 Yet amongst those that were members of PEN, 274 00:15:49,980 --> 00:15:52,494 there were some that refused to stand with Charlie Hebdo, 275 00:15:52,494 --> 00:15:56,383 initially six table heads and as of now, 204 writers. 276 00:15:57,533 --> 00:16:00,441 I would like to remind everyone that we've been here before. 277 00:16:00,952 --> 00:16:04,040 When Salman Rushdie had a fatwa calling for his death, 278 00:16:04,411 --> 00:16:08,806 PEN America under Susan Sontag's stewardship stood for him, 279 00:16:08,806 --> 00:16:13,291 even while a significant percentage of the intelligentsia cast him aside. 280 00:16:13,487 --> 00:16:16,602 Figures as diverse as the Archbishop of Canterbury 281 00:16:16,602 --> 00:16:19,249 to multiple members of the British Parliament, 282 00:16:19,249 --> 00:16:25,144 one of whom condemned Rushdie as, quote, an outstanding villain, 283 00:16:25,144 --> 00:16:29,833 whose, quote, public life has been a record of despicable acts of betrayal 284 00:16:29,833 --> 00:16:33,702 of his upbringing, religion, adopted home and nationality. 285 00:16:34,606 --> 00:16:37,226 As there were eastern cartoonists standing with Charlie Hebdo, 286 00:16:37,226 --> 00:16:40,464 there were Irani writers from the Muslim world that stood in defiance 287 00:16:40,464 --> 00:16:44,108 and defended Rushdie, some of whom were subsequently attacked. 288 00:16:44,917 --> 00:16:48,432 In light of the recent attack in Garland, Texas, 289 00:16:48,432 --> 00:16:51,375 I'd like to share the prophetic words of Norman Mailer, 290 00:16:51,375 --> 00:16:53,501 from over two decades ago: 291 00:16:53,501 --> 00:16:56,732 "In this week of turmoil we can now envision a fearful time in the future 292 00:16:56,732 --> 00:16:59,046 when fundamentalist groups in America, 293 00:16:59,046 --> 00:17:02,521 stealing their page from this international episode 294 00:17:02,521 --> 00:17:05,366 will know how to apply the same methods 295 00:17:05,366 --> 00:17:07,618 to American writers and bookstores. 296 00:17:07,618 --> 00:17:10,796 If they succeed it will be due to the fact that we never found 297 00:17:10,796 --> 00:17:14,839 an honest resistance to the terrorization of Salman Rushdie." 298 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:20,857 Where in 1989 and 2005 authors and cartoonists considered 299 00:17:20,857 --> 00:17:22,876 a vague possibility of retaliation, 300 00:17:22,876 --> 00:17:25,876 it has now metastatized to an ever present threat; 301 00:17:25,876 --> 00:17:29,774 like clockwork the violence intensifies and repeats. 302 00:17:30,509 --> 00:17:33,188 The cowardly response in the intervening decade 303 00:17:33,188 --> 00:17:37,852 has also been repeated time and time again, everytime emboldening the voices 304 00:17:37,852 --> 00:17:40,129 calling for the curtailment of free speech. 305 00:17:40,700 --> 00:17:44,466 The Rushdie fatwa was the first battle, a battle in which we surrendered, 306 00:17:44,466 --> 00:17:47,802 and continue to pay the price for that appeasement today. 307 00:17:49,242 --> 00:17:54,177 So why is it so difficult for many on the Left to criticize Islam? 308 00:17:54,182 --> 00:17:55,768 Why do they shy away from it? 309 00:17:56,236 --> 00:18:00,527 I believe that the primary reason is that many are simply incapable of separating 310 00:18:00,527 --> 00:18:03,644 the criticism of an idea with the hate directed towards a people, 311 00:18:03,644 --> 00:18:05,860 and immediately call the first "racism". 312 00:18:06,890 --> 00:18:09,596 That idea should not be entertained for very long, 313 00:18:09,596 --> 00:18:12,823 as if there can be no valid reasons to critique an ideology 314 00:18:12,823 --> 00:18:15,495 rooted in seventh-century patriarchal norms 315 00:18:15,495 --> 00:18:20,137 except for hatred toward the very people imprisoned by those ideologies. 316 00:18:21,609 --> 00:18:24,604 There are people who use the phrase "Islamophobia" 317 00:18:24,604 --> 00:18:28,496 both to mean criticism of the people and of the religion. 318 00:18:28,972 --> 00:18:30,545 I know that many Muslims do this, 319 00:18:30,545 --> 00:18:33,255 it is an easy way of stopping others from criticizing their religion, 320 00:18:33,255 --> 00:18:36,558 but I believe that many in the West use this word 321 00:18:36,558 --> 00:18:39,194 because they haven't quite thought of why it might be harmful. 322 00:18:39,487 --> 00:18:41,788 Islamophobia is a meaningless term. 323 00:18:41,788 --> 00:18:46,801 It serves to confuse and to muddle two very different forms of intolerance, 324 00:18:46,801 --> 00:18:48,666 based on two very different reasons, 325 00:18:48,666 --> 00:18:51,766 towards which there should be two very different reactions. 326 00:18:52,532 --> 00:18:54,919 Sometimes it is claimed that the critique of religion 327 00:18:54,919 --> 00:18:57,513 is critique of the identity of the believer, 328 00:18:57,513 --> 00:18:58,732 and is therefore bigotry. 329 00:18:59,339 --> 00:19:02,710 This person's identity happens to be based on ideology, 330 00:19:02,710 --> 00:19:04,753 so if you criticize their ideology, 331 00:19:04,753 --> 00:19:07,811 you are necessarily generating hate towards that person. 332 00:19:08,279 --> 00:19:10,066 But I wonder what would happen 333 00:19:10,066 --> 00:19:12,273 if we applied this type of thinking to everything? 334 00:19:12,726 --> 00:19:16,537 What if New Agers decided that criticism of New Age spiritual healing 335 00:19:16,537 --> 00:19:20,050 was a form of hate against people who chose to identify that way? 336 00:19:20,050 --> 00:19:23,037 What if Hindus decided criticism of the caste system 337 00:19:23,037 --> 00:19:26,824 was a deeply offensive form of racism against Hindu people? 338 00:19:27,243 --> 00:19:29,677 How much of that would that retard reform? 339 00:19:31,143 --> 00:19:32,571 There is another version of this argument 340 00:19:32,571 --> 00:19:35,236 which claims that criticism or ridicule of Islam 341 00:19:35,236 --> 00:19:38,524 feeds into the bigotry by the far-right 342 00:19:38,524 --> 00:19:40,335 and therefore causes harm, 343 00:19:41,122 --> 00:19:43,810 and I want everyone to know that the argument is almost never 344 00:19:43,810 --> 00:19:47,391 that Islam doesn't deserve the critique or ridicule as a religion, 345 00:19:47,391 --> 00:19:52,400 but that it is harmful to voice this for the damage it would do. 346 00:19:53,143 --> 00:19:56,913 Now one of the writers that opposed the award for Charlie Hebdo claimed that, 347 00:19:56,913 --> 00:20:00,657 quote, the narrative of the Charlie Hebdo murders 348 00:20:00,660 --> 00:20:03,804 -- the narrative of the Charlie Hebdo murders -- 349 00:20:03,804 --> 00:20:07,497 white Europeans killed in their offices by Muslim extremists 350 00:20:07,497 --> 00:20:10,644 is one that feeds neatly into the cultural prejudices 351 00:20:10,644 --> 00:20:12,135 that have allowed our governments 352 00:20:12,135 --> 00:20:15,177 to make so many disastrous mistakes in the Middle East 353 00:20:16,317 --> 00:20:19,287 -- the narrative of the Charlie Hebdo murders! 354 00:20:19,480 --> 00:20:22,298 I read that statement and I realized that for some writers 355 00:20:22,298 --> 00:20:25,502 the problem wasn't just that the cartoons were offensive, 356 00:20:25,502 --> 00:20:30,071 it was that the reaction of Muslims to the cartoons fed into 357 00:20:30,071 --> 00:20:31,863 a stereotypical Muslim trope, 358 00:20:31,863 --> 00:20:35,185 a reaction that was very inconvenient for a group 359 00:20:35,185 --> 00:20:38,105 trying their best to paint a picture of a peaceful Islam, 360 00:20:38,383 --> 00:20:40,510 despite mounting evidence to the contrary. 361 00:20:41,517 --> 00:20:44,952 It is quite clear that allegiances here aren't to the truth, 362 00:20:45,432 --> 00:20:49,660 instead the aim is to selectively hide inconvenient truths, 363 00:20:49,660 --> 00:20:52,856 truths that are deemed to be harmful, should they ever be acknowledged. 364 00:20:53,828 --> 00:20:58,599 I assume the fear is that we do not want to give support to actual bigoted people. 365 00:20:58,900 --> 00:21:02,497 Anyone who watches Fox knows how they use fear-mongering tactics 366 00:21:02,497 --> 00:21:04,066 to promote xenophobia. 367 00:21:05,136 --> 00:21:08,853 But the liberation of a billion and a half Muslims in the world, 368 00:21:08,853 --> 00:21:10,830 Muslims who are suffering under the yoke 369 00:21:10,830 --> 00:21:13,801 of an ever-present theological authority, 370 00:21:13,801 --> 00:21:15,907 should be at the forefront of our minds. 371 00:21:16,453 --> 00:21:19,673 As has been repeated hundreds of times by critics like myself, 372 00:21:19,673 --> 00:21:23,447 the primary victims of Islamism are Muslims, 373 00:21:23,447 --> 00:21:28,060 be it in terms of terrorism, violence, misogyny, freedom of expression, 374 00:21:28,060 --> 00:21:31,046 religion, and economic decline. 375 00:21:31,046 --> 00:21:35,566 Yet bizarrely, to some, these concerns are secondary still 376 00:21:35,566 --> 00:21:37,437 to not presenting offense. 377 00:21:38,926 --> 00:21:41,523 Still there are others who believe that those in the West, 378 00:21:41,523 --> 00:21:44,424 that people in the West have no right to speak about 379 00:21:44,424 --> 00:21:46,105 problems of "brown cultures" 380 00:21:46,105 --> 00:21:49,279 due to the legacy of colonialism and other forms of violence 381 00:21:49,279 --> 00:21:51,070 the West has cast upon the East. 382 00:21:51,795 --> 00:21:55,732 This is a strange argument because it ignores the history of the world, 383 00:21:55,732 --> 00:22:00,367 a history in which various nations, Muslims and non-Muslims, 384 00:22:00,367 --> 00:22:03,686 have succumbed to the ebb-and-flow of conquest, repeatedly, 385 00:22:03,686 --> 00:22:05,114 for all of recorded history. 386 00:22:06,022 --> 00:22:10,073 Many Islamic countries in fact had horrific laws before colonialism. 387 00:22:10,607 --> 00:22:13,975 Two of the epicenters of Islamic thought, Iran for Shia Islam, 388 00:22:13,975 --> 00:22:18,712 and Saudi Arabia for Sunni Islam, resisted colonialism. 389 00:22:20,712 --> 00:22:21,742 -- Excuse me -- 390 00:22:22,332 --> 00:22:25,621 In fact, Saudi Arabia was founded in 1744 391 00:22:25,621 --> 00:22:27,004 as an extremist state, 392 00:22:27,004 --> 00:22:30,156 the first iteration of which was destroyed by the Ottomans, 393 00:22:30,156 --> 00:22:32,344 due to their religious fanaticism. 394 00:22:32,782 --> 00:22:35,652 The first Saudis in fact attacked and desecrated 395 00:22:35,652 --> 00:22:38,711 some of the most holy Muslim sites and were stopped 396 00:22:38,711 --> 00:22:41,274 not by intervention of the West but by other Muslims 397 00:22:41,274 --> 00:22:43,269 that viewed them as dangerous fanatics. 398 00:22:43,658 --> 00:22:46,254 There was then no American imperialism, 399 00:22:46,254 --> 00:22:48,204 no frame of wars against other Muslims, 400 00:22:48,204 --> 00:22:51,240 and yet, fundamentalist Wahabbis existed, 401 00:22:51,240 --> 00:22:53,104 and were attacking other Muslims, 402 00:22:53,104 --> 00:22:56,193 very much the same way that ISIS attacks them today. 403 00:22:56,805 --> 00:22:58,721 Reform is impossible 404 00:22:58,721 --> 00:23:01,578 when you constantly shift the conversation away 405 00:23:01,578 --> 00:23:05,959 from Islamic fundamentalism, and back to western violence and imperialism. 406 00:23:07,077 --> 00:23:09,657 But don't get me wrong. It is important to discuss this, 407 00:23:09,657 --> 00:23:12,729 it is important to discuss imperialism and the harm that it caused. 408 00:23:12,729 --> 00:23:16,298 But violence in the name of Islam has terrorized the Middle East 409 00:23:16,298 --> 00:23:18,666 ever since its inception, and it is important 410 00:23:18,666 --> 00:23:20,496 that we don't derail this conversation. 411 00:23:20,798 --> 00:23:26,545 The moral paralysis out of fear of the right, out of fear of furthering bigotry, 412 00:23:26,983 --> 00:23:30,658 out of shame of prior crimes committed by other white people 413 00:23:30,658 --> 00:23:34,014 should not trump all considerations. 414 00:23:34,752 --> 00:23:37,143 When I read articles of why Muslims should not be ridiculed 415 00:23:37,143 --> 00:23:42,546 I get a sense of condescension, a sense that there are those who believe 416 00:23:42,546 --> 00:23:46,071 that the most essential trait of brown people is their religion, 417 00:23:46,071 --> 00:23:48,899 a defining feature in fact, and due to this 418 00:23:48,899 --> 00:23:51,897 they presume that we won't reform or we can't, 419 00:23:52,229 --> 00:23:55,448 that religion is something inherent to who we are 420 00:23:55,448 --> 00:23:57,693 and that it won't respond to pressure, to change 421 00:23:57,693 --> 00:24:00,734 the way Christianity responded to pressure by secularists. 422 00:24:01,274 --> 00:24:04,625 While they believe themselves to be supporting tolerance, 423 00:24:04,625 --> 00:24:08,336 what they are really supporting is the religious right of the East, 424 00:24:08,636 --> 00:24:12,055 and not just any religious right, not the religious right that we have here, 425 00:24:12,342 --> 00:24:14,860 it's a religious right the West hasn't seen for centuries. 426 00:24:15,229 --> 00:24:20,508 To me, someone who opposes the most foundational liberal principle, 427 00:24:20,508 --> 00:24:21,965 the freedom of expression, 428 00:24:21,965 --> 00:24:26,255 in order to protect the sensibilities of this Islamist religious right 429 00:24:26,255 --> 00:24:27,948 is a liberal only in name. 430 00:24:28,568 --> 00:24:32,929 In fact, what kind of person holds two different groups of people accountable 431 00:24:32,929 --> 00:24:36,411 to two different standards of acceptable behavior but a bigot? 432 00:24:37,144 --> 00:24:39,383 Islam, like all patriarchal religions, 433 00:24:39,383 --> 00:24:43,178 is a tool used to justify abuse of women and minorities. 434 00:24:43,559 --> 00:24:46,721 Does our concept of tolerance extend towards tolerance 435 00:24:46,721 --> 00:24:49,728 of systematic subjugation of women and minorities? 436 00:24:50,430 --> 00:24:53,781 What else can excusing abuse made in the name of tolerance be called 437 00:24:53,781 --> 00:24:57,371 other than a benevolent, self-serving form of bigotry? 438 00:24:59,052 --> 00:25:01,565 No matter how seemingly compassionate the motivations, 439 00:25:01,565 --> 00:25:04,101 we must not hesitate in being honest 440 00:25:04,101 --> 00:25:08,449 in calling out our allies for their hypocrisy and their illiberal mores. 441 00:25:10,013 --> 00:25:13,725 Sometimes I feel as if people view secularism and free-thinking 442 00:25:13,725 --> 00:25:17,669 to be concepts owned by the West, something inherently Western. 443 00:25:18,401 --> 00:25:21,468 To push secularism and free thought to Muslims then 444 00:25:21,468 --> 00:25:23,830 is to push a Western identity onto them. 445 00:25:24,524 --> 00:25:26,601 It is no more than ignorance of history 446 00:25:26,601 --> 00:25:30,767 to feel that Enlightenment ideals can only be shared by this civilization, 447 00:25:30,767 --> 00:25:33,636 rather than a progression of all of humanity. 448 00:25:34,151 --> 00:25:35,448 Indeed throughout history 449 00:25:35,448 --> 00:25:38,141 there have been champions of these very same ideals, 450 00:25:38,141 --> 00:25:41,302 there have been free-thinkers in every culture in the world 451 00:25:41,302 --> 00:25:42,812 that have bled for these ideals. 452 00:25:43,640 --> 00:25:46,192 There have been countless free-thinkers that challenged faith, 453 00:25:46,192 --> 00:25:51,775 that tried but sadly failed to interpret scripture in a less misogynist way, 454 00:25:51,775 --> 00:25:54,186 even in patriarchal Islamic societies. 455 00:25:54,824 --> 00:25:57,111 For example, the seventeenth century had 456 00:25:57,111 --> 00:26:00,140 a crown prince of the Mughal dynasty, Dara Shikoh, 457 00:26:00,140 --> 00:26:04,969 who was committed to rights of all religions, Hindu, Sikh, Muslim alike, 458 00:26:04,969 --> 00:26:09,004 working to bridge the gaps between the leading lights of all faiths. 459 00:26:09,728 --> 00:26:12,270 As you may anticipate, this was not to last, 460 00:26:12,270 --> 00:26:14,192 Dara was murdered by his own brother, 461 00:26:14,192 --> 00:26:19,330 claiming that Dara's tolerance was a sign of his apostasy, 462 00:26:19,330 --> 00:26:23,850 a brother that is now revered in Muslim circles as being a guardian of the faith. 463 00:26:24,577 --> 00:26:26,149 Similarly, there have been women 464 00:26:26,149 --> 00:26:27,786 that have led the charge for their own rights. 465 00:26:28,395 --> 00:26:32,197 Exactly two hundred years ago, Fatima Baraghani was born in Iran, 466 00:26:32,544 --> 00:26:37,089 an extremely intelligent woman, who as per custom was married young, 467 00:26:37,089 --> 00:26:39,678 and wasn't allowed to further pursue her education. 468 00:26:40,769 --> 00:26:44,310 She was attracted to a radical movement brewing in the country, 469 00:26:44,310 --> 00:26:46,738 which espoused equality of the genders. 470 00:26:47,061 --> 00:26:51,541 She joined and rose to be one of the leading lights of that movement. 471 00:26:52,715 --> 00:26:55,753 To symbolize a break from Shariah, at one gathering, 472 00:26:55,753 --> 00:26:59,479 she took off her traditional veil in front of an assemblage of men 473 00:26:59,479 --> 00:27:01,662 and brandished instead a sword. 474 00:27:02,882 --> 00:27:06,153 Now this sight caused such a shock among the crowd, 475 00:27:06,153 --> 00:27:09,467 that many grown men screamed aloud. 476 00:27:10,040 --> 00:27:12,866 One man cut his own throat in horror, 477 00:27:12,866 --> 00:27:16,833 fleeing the scene as blood poured from his neck. {Laughter} 478 00:27:19,043 --> 00:27:22,444 But she did not enjoy freedom or live long after this incident. 479 00:27:24,222 --> 00:27:28,271 The tragedy of the Eastern past isn't that we haven't given birth to reformers 480 00:27:28,271 --> 00:27:32,417 but that the violence of our oppressors has eliminated us, time and again. 481 00:27:32,990 --> 00:27:35,775 Even in modern times, one Somali author, 482 00:27:35,775 --> 00:27:39,828 Abdisaid Abdi Ismail, wrote a book where he audaciously argued 483 00:27:39,828 --> 00:27:44,449 that Islam doesn't actually call for a death penalty for apostasy. 484 00:27:44,449 --> 00:27:47,535 He was rewarded for his efforts by having his life threatened, 485 00:27:47,535 --> 00:27:49,569 and calls for his book to be burned. 486 00:27:50,767 --> 00:27:52,773 A British reformist, Maajid Nawaz, 487 00:27:52,773 --> 00:27:56,007 has had fatwas issued calling for his death 488 00:27:56,007 --> 00:27:58,576 for simply saying on a tweet 489 00:27:58,576 --> 00:28:01,452 that a cartoon of Muhammad doesn't personally offend him. 490 00:28:02,077 --> 00:28:05,377 The religious right has been murdering reformers for centuries, 491 00:28:05,377 --> 00:28:07,922 but we are still here, fighting for our future, 492 00:28:07,922 --> 00:28:11,406 the same fight that the West has had much greater success in. 493 00:28:11,966 --> 00:28:16,165 It is strange that the very same people, who wish to tamp down on the power 494 00:28:16,165 --> 00:28:20,758 of the Christian right and use the advances that the West has had, 495 00:28:20,758 --> 00:28:23,961 to insist that we must be defined by our religious right. 496 00:28:24,636 --> 00:28:26,376 Let us assume, for the sake of argument, 497 00:28:26,376 --> 00:28:30,480 that we can all concede the idea that Islam, as a religion, needs reform, 498 00:28:30,480 --> 00:28:34,139 or at the very least, Muslim communities do, both in the West and abroad, 499 00:28:34,139 --> 00:28:36,989 and in the way that they choose to practice their faith. 500 00:28:37,434 --> 00:28:40,856 I happen to believe this. All the data we have corroborates this. 501 00:28:41,605 --> 00:28:43,022 There's a large amount of evidence 502 00:28:43,024 --> 00:28:46,061 which clearly demonstrates rampant misogyny, 503 00:28:46,061 --> 00:28:49,685 bad attitudes towards homosexuals and apostasy within the Muslim world, 504 00:28:49,685 --> 00:28:52,657 supported by the law and widely accepted by the people. 505 00:28:54,156 --> 00:28:58,301 In an effort to draw attention away from the role of religion in all this, 506 00:28:58,301 --> 00:29:04,349 some have chosen to instead use excuses by a variety of reasons, 507 00:29:04,349 --> 00:29:05,811 none of which make sense, 508 00:29:05,811 --> 00:29:09,083 because Muslim countries share almost nothing between them all, 509 00:29:09,083 --> 00:29:10,851 except the predominant religion: 510 00:29:11,159 --> 00:29:15,888 not socio-economic status, not education or literacy levels, not GDP, 511 00:29:15,888 --> 00:29:20,424 not cultural background or history, not race or ethnicity, not language, 512 00:29:20,424 --> 00:29:23,799 not political system, not the history of Western colonization. 513 00:29:23,799 --> 00:29:26,160 What they do share is theology. 514 00:29:27,271 --> 00:29:31,164 Obviously Islam isn't the root of all evil, but it is an important factor. 515 00:29:31,550 --> 00:29:34,252 What we have here is a right wing in the West who believes 516 00:29:34,252 --> 00:29:36,050 that Islam personifies evil 517 00:29:36,050 --> 00:29:40,189 and a Left which refuses to even look into it as a source of harm. 518 00:29:41,051 --> 00:29:44,248 The question then becomes, how do we achieve reform 519 00:29:44,248 --> 00:29:47,354 without actually mentioning any problems in Islam? 520 00:29:47,739 --> 00:29:50,092 How do we achieve progress while shying away 521 00:29:50,092 --> 00:29:54,701 from one of the foundational aspects of how harmful practices are justified? 522 00:29:55,708 --> 00:29:58,794 Most cultures are responsive to selective pressure, 523 00:29:58,794 --> 00:30:01,203 and by insisting that no pressure be applied, 524 00:30:01,203 --> 00:30:03,616 we are acting as a brake on any progress. 525 00:30:04,253 --> 00:30:06,899 We have plenty of evidence that a push for secularism 526 00:30:06,899 --> 00:30:10,841 or a presence within secular cultures can change behavior, 527 00:30:10,841 --> 00:30:12,597 and even the beliefs of Muslims. 528 00:30:13,558 --> 00:30:16,508 For example, if you compare Muslims living in the US 529 00:30:16,508 --> 00:30:20,556 with Muslims in the Middle East, you will find across all metrics, 530 00:30:20,556 --> 00:30:25,095 that their opinions are less extreme and more in line with liberal values, 531 00:30:25,095 --> 00:30:28,000 than those of the population of their origin countries. 532 00:30:29,003 --> 00:30:32,242 Many Muslims believe that their religion is immutable, 533 00:30:32,242 --> 00:30:36,421 that every word of which is true, and reformers insult them 534 00:30:36,421 --> 00:30:37,908 when they demand change. 535 00:30:38,218 --> 00:30:41,420 Yet profound changes in the way Muslims practice their religion 536 00:30:41,420 --> 00:30:43,085 have occurred in the past. 537 00:30:43,555 --> 00:30:47,298 Many Muslim countries practiced slavery up until the twentieth century, 538 00:30:47,839 --> 00:30:51,785 with some countries abolishing slavery as recently as 1981, 539 00:30:52,046 --> 00:30:55,385 citing religious sanction of the practice as a justification. 540 00:30:55,964 --> 00:31:00,687 Saudi Arabia's slave population was estimated at 300,000 541 00:31:00,687 --> 00:31:03,625 a scant 50 years ago, 542 00:31:03,625 --> 00:31:06,666 and it was international pressure that forced abolition. 543 00:31:08,132 --> 00:31:11,342 Under pressure from the British Empire to abolish slavery 544 00:31:11,342 --> 00:31:12,504 a little over a century ago, 545 00:31:12,504 --> 00:31:16,234 the Sultan of Morocco cited the inerrancy of the Quran 546 00:31:16,234 --> 00:31:18,586 to make the case for the divine sanction of slavery. 547 00:31:19,372 --> 00:31:22,058 Later the chief minister of Morocco, Muhammad Idris, 548 00:31:22,058 --> 00:31:25,205 wrote in response to anti-slavery efforts, that 549 00:31:25,205 --> 00:31:28,879 "we do not interfere in religious principles which you profess, 550 00:31:28,879 --> 00:31:31,564 likewise you should not interfere in our religion". 551 00:31:32,357 --> 00:31:36,038 In the face of Ottoman unwillingness to condemn the status of slaves 552 00:31:36,038 --> 00:31:41,805 as enshrined in Shariah, a British statesman sarcastically stated, 553 00:31:41,805 --> 00:31:44,769 that one might well ask the Sultan to become a Christian. 554 00:31:45,868 --> 00:31:50,706 Yet today, most if not all Muslims are repulsed by the idea of slaves. 555 00:31:51,782 --> 00:31:55,611 Did they abandon the Quran which seemed to clearly condone slavery 556 00:31:55,611 --> 00:31:57,145 a mere century ago? 557 00:31:57,145 --> 00:31:59,589 Or were we able to shift mainstream consensus 558 00:31:59,589 --> 00:32:01,768 by standing up for our moral principles? 559 00:32:02,163 --> 00:32:03,687 I wonder what would have happened 560 00:32:03,687 --> 00:32:07,317 if the benevolent bigots of the West, of the Left today, 561 00:32:07,317 --> 00:32:10,154 who feel that it is more important to respect a culture 562 00:32:10,154 --> 00:32:13,595 for the sake of respecting a culture had existed back then. 563 00:32:14,234 --> 00:32:16,483 How many millions would be living in chains today? 564 00:32:17,805 --> 00:32:21,689 There is another common narrative, of the West as oppressors, 565 00:32:21,689 --> 00:32:24,928 how racism here feeds into the oppression of a minority. 566 00:32:24,928 --> 00:32:28,258 Champions of Islam have gone on record using it as a cudgel 567 00:32:28,258 --> 00:32:31,626 to beat against the back of progress. 568 00:32:32,225 --> 00:32:35,812 We need to be aware that the victim versus the oppressor dynamic 569 00:32:35,812 --> 00:32:38,737 isn't set in stone the way some people would have you believe. 570 00:32:39,227 --> 00:32:42,856 One can be a victim in one context and an oppressor in another. 571 00:32:43,506 --> 00:32:46,939 A Muslim man may deal with racism at work, real racism, 572 00:32:46,939 --> 00:32:51,641 may see career setbacks, and goes home and beats his hijabi wife 573 00:32:51,641 --> 00:32:54,283 because he was raised in a misogynistic tradition, 574 00:32:54,283 --> 00:32:57,420 using Quran's verse as justification. 575 00:32:58,107 --> 00:32:59,823 Should we not criticize his behavior 576 00:32:59,823 --> 00:33:02,046 because of his victimization in one aspect? 577 00:33:03,285 --> 00:33:07,999 An imam may be an anti-Semite, a homophobe, he may be indoctrinating 578 00:33:07,999 --> 00:33:11,024 a generation of impressionable minds into his harmful ideas. 579 00:33:11,527 --> 00:33:14,729 Yet the same imam might also be a victim of bigotry 580 00:33:14,729 --> 00:33:16,685 when he aims to launch a new mosque. 581 00:33:16,685 --> 00:33:20,765 He may be the target of local xenophobic attitudes. 582 00:33:21,885 --> 00:33:23,928 In lieu of his sufferings, should we pretend 583 00:33:23,928 --> 00:33:27,926 his other despicable behaviors do not exist, or do not matter? 584 00:33:28,746 --> 00:33:30,879 Are we to sacrifice one for the other? 585 00:33:31,346 --> 00:33:34,023 Instead, can we not stand against all oppressions, 586 00:33:34,023 --> 00:33:37,650 stand for the equal rights of others, while simultaneously working 587 00:33:37,650 --> 00:33:40,099 against bigoted narratives within religion? 588 00:33:40,986 --> 00:33:42,609 One of my ex-Muslim colleagues 589 00:33:42,609 --> 00:33:45,225 beautifully summed up the same sentiments, 590 00:33:45,225 --> 00:33:50,087 when she was talking about the misogynistic nature of the hijab, 591 00:33:51,118 --> 00:33:55,321 quote, feminism is defending women, Muslim women, 592 00:33:55,321 --> 00:33:59,347 who wear the hijab for whatever reason, against shaming or attack. 593 00:33:59,857 --> 00:34:05,770 Feminism is not categorically denying that the hijab can be coercive, 594 00:34:05,770 --> 00:34:10,120 body-shaming, slut-shaming, restrictive or psychologically crippling. 595 00:34:11,447 --> 00:34:14,462 We cannot avoid reality because we are afraid 596 00:34:14,462 --> 00:34:17,024 of the consequences of acknowledging facts. 597 00:34:17,024 --> 00:34:21,656 Is it ethical to avoid educating our children about Darwinian evolution 598 00:34:21,656 --> 00:34:24,835 simply because it has fed into Social Darwinism in the past? 599 00:34:25,632 --> 00:34:28,963 Our silence about uncomfortable truths simply underscores 600 00:34:28,963 --> 00:34:33,176 the cost of our inaction as the consequences loom ever larger. 601 00:34:33,694 --> 00:34:37,070 We are paralyzed by our own insecurities, by our fear 602 00:34:37,070 --> 00:34:40,812 that the truth will empower the worst of us, rather than set us free. 603 00:34:42,440 --> 00:34:44,653 We have those on the Islamic far right 604 00:34:44,653 --> 00:34:47,419 who say that there is no room for reform in Islam, 605 00:34:47,419 --> 00:34:49,937 because Islam is, and always has been perfect. 606 00:34:49,937 --> 00:34:53,290 We have their counterparts from the far right in the West, 607 00:34:53,290 --> 00:34:56,366 who coincidentally also view Islam as beyond reform, 608 00:34:56,366 --> 00:34:57,659 but for different reasons, 609 00:34:57,659 --> 00:35:00,440 as something that is irredeemably and permanently evil. 610 00:35:00,899 --> 00:35:03,997 Between those two extremes, we have the average Muslim, 611 00:35:03,997 --> 00:35:07,614 who is forced to choose between the devil he knows, 612 00:35:07,614 --> 00:35:11,786 Islamic dominance and supremacy, over the devil he doesn't, Western bigotry. 613 00:35:12,312 --> 00:35:14,999 The liberal Left needs to present a different path, 614 00:35:14,999 --> 00:35:17,569 not acquiesce to either form of religious dominance. 615 00:35:17,569 --> 00:35:20,849 It is particularly important that those who stand for compassion, 616 00:35:20,849 --> 00:35:22,418 that those who stand for human rights 617 00:35:22,418 --> 00:35:25,669 and who recognize the harmful effects of bigotry and discrimination 618 00:35:25,669 --> 00:35:29,990 lead the charge against religious oppression no matter where it stems. 619 00:35:30,860 --> 00:35:33,638 We know, not only is reform is possible, 620 00:35:33,638 --> 00:35:36,344 but it is ongoing against insurmountable odds, 621 00:35:36,344 --> 00:35:38,906 it has champions that are laying their lives on the line 622 00:35:38,906 --> 00:35:39,987 for a better tomorrow. 623 00:35:39,987 --> 00:35:43,490 We cannot and must not let the current situation endure 624 00:35:43,490 --> 00:35:46,386 where reformists of Islam are standing alone and vulnerable. 625 00:35:48,090 --> 00:35:51,386 We must remember that there is no inevitable march of progress, 626 00:35:51,386 --> 00:35:55,114 no guarantee that tomorrow's world will be more just, more equal, 627 00:35:55,114 --> 00:35:59,256 more rational, more tolerant or reasonable. 628 00:35:59,651 --> 00:36:01,648 Liberal rights without liberals to champion them 629 00:36:01,648 --> 00:36:04,188 are values without influence, with no defense. 630 00:36:04,655 --> 00:36:07,012 Let's not let our empathy for oppression of one group 631 00:36:07,012 --> 00:36:09,467 excuse their oppression of another. 632 00:36:09,917 --> 00:36:11,050 Thank you! 633 00:36:11,056 --> 00:36:34,983 (Standing applause) 634 00:36:39,568 --> 00:36:42,886 (Man) Well, OK, we have time for one question 635 00:36:42,886 --> 00:36:44,723 and then we'll have to take a 10-minute break 636 00:36:44,723 --> 00:36:48,004 Nobody likes a time-keeper, not speakers, not audience 637 00:36:48,505 --> 00:36:49,804 I'm here to be hated. 638 00:36:50,388 --> 00:36:51,790 (Man 2) I'm glad I got here first. 639 00:36:51,790 --> 00:36:55,597 First of all, thank you for your courage and bravery, 640 00:36:55,597 --> 00:36:56,810 in what you're doing. 641 00:36:56,810 --> 00:37:03,342 (Haider) Thank you (Applause) 642 00:37:03,342 --> 00:37:05,489 (Man 2) You mentioned the word reform a lot 643 00:37:05,492 --> 00:37:10,861 and others have spoken of Islam as potentially being 644 00:37:10,861 --> 00:37:13,527 at the, I guess the beginning of a reformation, 645 00:37:14,087 --> 00:37:16,312 similar to what happened with Catholicism. 646 00:37:17,072 --> 00:37:20,644 I guess I have two questions -- sorry, two parts. 647 00:37:21,270 --> 00:37:24,642 First, do you believe that we are seeing the beginning of that? 648 00:37:24,650 --> 00:37:30,014 And if so, do you, or should we have any confidence 649 00:37:30,014 --> 00:37:32,646 that that reformation, if and when it comes in Islam, 650 00:37:32,646 --> 00:37:39,019 will be any less bloody than what historically, we experienced 651 00:37:39,019 --> 00:37:40,718 with the Catholic Reformation? 652 00:37:41,901 --> 00:37:45,223 (Haider) I've heard that comparison quite a few times 653 00:37:45,223 --> 00:37:47,467 and I made it myself quite a few times. 654 00:37:48,317 --> 00:37:51,902 But I don't think they are exactly the same, in the sense that 655 00:37:51,902 --> 00:37:54,503 this change will need to happen at a different pace. 656 00:37:54,503 --> 00:37:56,659 It'll need to be faster, and it will be faster, 657 00:37:56,659 --> 00:38:03,584 because of, you know, social media and the way that secular literature 658 00:38:03,584 --> 00:38:06,063 and atheist literature has spread across the internet. 659 00:38:06,063 --> 00:38:10,491 A lot of Ex-Muslims who join our group, The Ex-Muslims of North America, 660 00:38:10,491 --> 00:38:15,164 tell me that they started thinking about, you know, atheism or humanism 661 00:38:15,164 --> 00:38:19,478 when they first read something Richard Dawkins wrote, back in Egypt. 662 00:38:19,478 --> 00:38:23,536 This is possible now, so I really believe that it can be faster 663 00:38:23,536 --> 00:38:26,369 and I think that it doesn't have to be as bloody 664 00:38:26,369 --> 00:38:30,240 if the West is willing to stand up for the reformists, 665 00:38:30,240 --> 00:38:36,498 with the reformists in the East. (Applause) 666 00:38:36,498 --> 00:38:39,186 (Captions are based on Arun's transcript: see link in description)