0:00:05.700,0:00:06.670 spring fever 0:00:07.069,0:00:08.669 that's full of energy, vitality 0:00:08.928,0:00:11.338 and sexual appetite associated with spring 0:00:12.072,0:00:13.742 it's been written about for centuries 0:00:13.742,0:00:14.822 but does it really exist? 0:00:15.032,0:00:17.992 there's definitely something in this spring time air 0:00:18.082,0:00:20.132 a Canadian study showed a way that 0:00:20.382,0:00:22.022 teen pregnancy peaks in March 0:00:22.142,0:00:23.692 right around spring break 0:00:23.692,0:00:25.302 and another found that men 0:00:25.302,0:00:26.262 produce the most 0:00:26.391,0:00:27.951 and the healthiest sperm 0:00:28.017,0:00:29.047 in early spring 0:00:29.291,0:00:31.501 what's causing this seasonal shift? 0:00:31.849,0:00:33.309 Scientists think our increase in 0:00:33.329,0:00:34.589 energy and better mood 0:00:34.589,0:00:36.659 have to do with changes in hormone levels 0:00:36.659,0:00:38.329 an important one is melatonin 0:00:38.389,0:00:40.709 sometimes called the "sleep hormone" 0:00:40.759,0:00:43.099 it's released at night and helps us to fall asleep 0:00:43.099,0:00:44.649 when the nights are longer 0:00:44.769,0:00:46.339 we produce more melatonin 0:00:46.883,0:00:48.963 and in spring, as the night gets shorter 0:00:49.094,0:00:50.344 we produce less of it 0:00:50.434,0:00:51.914 may be explaining why we feel 0:00:51.914,0:00:53.654 more awake and more active 0:00:53.693,0:00:55.313 seratonin is another chemical 0:00:55.403,0:00:56.613 that affects our mood 0:00:56.943,0:00:58.703 it's known as the "happiness hormone" 0:00:58.703,0:01:00.453 and it's level risens in spring time 0:01:00.453,0:01:01.583 as it gets sunnier 0:01:01.739,0:01:03.459 and the pathologists think that 0:01:03.459,0:01:04.649 this changes in hormone levels 0:01:04.649,0:01:06.449 may have to do with survival and 0:01:06.490,0:01:07.300 reproduction 0:01:07.320,0:01:09.110 many animals lay low in the winter 0:01:09.110,0:01:11.200 using less energy because food is sacarce 0:01:11.200,0:01:13.000 early humans might have done the same 0:01:13.040,0:01:15.660 when food became more abundant in the spring 0:01:16.167,0:01:18.157 and it make sense that they become... 0:01:18.195,0:01:18.875 more.... 0:01:19.465,0:01:20.065 active 0:01:20.295,0:01:21.155 not surprisingly 0:01:21.155,0:01:22.905 as you move toward the equator 0:01:22.905,0:01:24.255 spring fever disappears 0:01:24.458,0:01:25.238 for example 0:01:25.439,0:01:27.739 scientists have noticed that seasonal changes 0:01:27.759,0:01:29.489 and the birth rates of field mice 0:01:29.489,0:01:30.269 flatten out 0:01:30.474,0:01:32.264 as you get closer to the equator 0:01:32.264,0:01:34.014 but sunshine may not be the only 0:01:34.014,0:01:35.454 spring time "pick me up" 0:01:35.601,0:01:37.561 for humans, the optimal temperature for 0:01:37.561,0:01:39.547 good mood is 72 degrees Fahrenheit 0:01:40.207,0:01:41.403 and let's face it 0:01:41.533,0:01:43.520 once the temperature starts to rise 0:01:44.173,0:01:45.533 we're wearing a lot less 0:01:45.533,0:01:47.923 for Scientific Americans and Instant Egghead 0:01:48.085,0:01:49.515 I'm Yasmin Tayag